You might not be a wealthy superstar athlete but this is your 2nd chance…

The power of the subconscious mind is crazy…

It’s incredible how things work; we exist in a world where we are just beginning to realize that the mind and energies hold tremendous power. When you become aware of this, everything becomes possible…


Try affirmations and it works…

At one point, I used to think that all of this was just a big joke. I started reading a book by Dr. Joseph Murphy… but little by little, I began to take it more seriously and one day, I tried this technique of speaking to my subconscious, and guess what?

It didn’t work…

Well, not immediately, to be honest…

So, I kept going, and as with everything in life, you really have to believe in it for it to happen. Things never come easily; you have to trust in time.

I continued to do my affirmations every evening, repeating them out loud.

Then, one morning, as I was waking up… €700 was wired to my bank account!

It was from a company that owed me money and hadn’t paid me for months.

I kept up with my affirmations, and then I received money from the government, which had made a mistake with my taxes. I kept going, and at that very moment, all of this boosted me. I moved out of my apartment to put it on Airbnb, and once again, I started to receive money regularly and a lot of people were booking my apartment…


Trust your desire to succeed and you’ll see the first signs…

After working all summer to ensure that my Airbnb guests feel comfortable, yesterday I received a notification from Airbnb stating that my status is under evaluation to become a Superhost.

Superhosts are the best hosts on Airbnb, and they enjoy numerous benefits. They can even sell services to other hosts on the Airbnb platform. Their listings are boosted in search results, and they become benchmarks within Airbnb.

In short, all of this is to tell you that you have to believe in it, and the power of the subconscious is incredible…

I knew that Beachlife Money was possible, so I took the leap. Throughout the summer, people watched my Instagram stories, but hardly anyone spoke to me, except for a few good friends like Anass – a shoutout to him, by the way!

And now, the dream is starting to come true. More and more people are beginning to ask me what Beachlife Money is all about…

So yes, I now believe in the power of the subconscious…


You’re not a wealthy superstar athlete but this is your 2nd chance…

Gaining knowledge and evolving as a person requires effort, but when done in the right way, by continuing to trust our subconscious and with genuine interest, what we might have once perceived as work no longer seems that way because we now love what we do.

Starting an online business is easy; a 10 year old can do it! However, making it successful is a different story, and the competition is fierce…

That’s why building strong foundations is essential for online success. Without these foundations, believe me, you’ll struggle.

It’s a pity because many people will read this email and still won’t follow my advice. Unfortunately, a few years down the line, they’ll learn the hard way.

Nevertheless, some of you, the smartest ones, will understand the enormous importance of establishing your purpose to follow the path of success. These are the same people who will experience rapid success.

It’s a bit like those athletes who start taking sports very seriously from a young age, unlike their peers.

And guess what?

By their twenties, they’re already multi-millionaires, and their path is already laid out.

You probably already know them; they’re the superstar athletes we see on TV. The only difference between them and others was their seriousness and discipline from a young age…

Becoming a superstar athlete is probably too late for most of us, but we all have a second chance, and that chance is to focus on our natural abilities to become part of the top 1% of this world.
If you also seriously wish to be able to earn your living and be part of the top 1%, to be able to travel all around the globe while getting paid, start by identifying your destiny, and money will inevitably come.

“Purpose Money” will help you achieve this!


🌊💰Beachlife Money

Starting next week, I’ll start to explain to you how to make passive income with affiliate marketing!

Keep in touch, See ya!




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