Jeff Bezos fights with Zuck and Musk…

Jeff Bezos also wants his fight against Zuck and Musk…

While he was in the south of France in St. Tropez with his new girlfriend, Jeff Bezos was approached by a waiter who asked if he had heard about the upcoming fight between Zuck and Musk. Bezos started laughing and explained that he had other things to worry about. The waiter then asked if he would still decline if someone went after his girlfriend. Jeff’s response was quite surprising! “My girlfriend? Are you serious, sir, to ask me such a question? I’d take on both Mark and Elon!”

Sike! As you can probably tell, this little funny anecdote never happened (but could have).

I’m talking about Bezos today because he was one of the first to use the power of affiliate marketing to grow his business into the multi-billion-dollar company you know today, “Amazon.”

Affiliate marketing is nothing more than product recommendation. This way to sell is not new; it has existed since time began.

We recommend a good mechanic to a friend, a good store to shop or in the past, a good cobbler…

No matter what, whether you are paid or not, you’ll recommend things to your circle in everyday life.

When talking to your growing audience, it’s the same thing; your subscribers need advice, so we recommend products that can help them.

But nowadays it has become easier to find programs or services that offer to compensate you when you talk about them. This allows you to talk about your favorite subject, guide your subscribers to good deals, when funding your content creation.

It’s thanks to this that Jeff grew Amazon in its early days, mostly through its affiliate program, and now all tech sector companies do it…

If you become proficient in the two skills I’m about to share with you, your first million dollars may be right in the corner, and you’ll be able to fund a lifestyle you could never have achieved otherwise…


1- Storytelling

Storytelling is the art of conveying a message through the use of a narrative or story.

It’s the most powerful way to create emotions and a connection with your audience.

Why is Stephen Spielberg a billionaire? He was able to produce good stories. Humans have always loved good stories, and they always will.

Storytelling is essential to make your audience identify with you. That’s why in webinars, the person always starts by telling their story and how they got to where they are.


2- Copywriting

What is copywriting?

At first, the first time I heard this word, I thought it was something complicated related to copyrights… but it has nothing to do with it…

Copywriting is the art of persuading with words. When you master this art, you can sell simply by writing, for example, selling ice to an Eskimo through an email.

Copywriting, coupled with storytelling, is an extremely powerful combination capable of generating literally billions online.

Gary Halbert a great copywriter generated several billion dollars simply by sending letters to people, and what’s great is that the same thing can be replicated on the internet today. The best copywriters today are making millions and they too much work they can handle.


3- Email Marketing

If you master storytelling and copywriting, nothing can’t stop you but you’ll need a communication channel to sell…

Historically, email marketing has often reported higher conversion rates compared to any other digital marketing channels. According to the Data & Marketing Association (DMA), the average ROI for email marketing is around $42 for every $1 spent.

it’s also cost-effective, when you have a good email list, sending an email costs almost nothing compared to television advertising, for example.

You don’t compete for attention anymore. Unlike social media or advertising, where your message competes for attention, emails land directly in the recipient’s inbox. People who receive email marketing messages are more likely to take action.

It’s also one of the best channel because writing is the foundation of all content.

Want to produce a video? You need to write a script.
Creating an image or design? Write down the idea.
Have a new product idea? Write down its features.

In short, I won’t extrapolate, but writing is the most basic form of any project, and it’s also the one that has endured since time immemorial; the written word remains…

My advice is to write emails regularly to stay connected to your audience, but also to maintain an up-to-date blog where they can find you easily and be readily discoverable by search engines to attract future subscribers organically.

So, learn these two essential skills, and if you are serious, in a short time, you won’t have to worry anymore. Because these two skills will guarantee that you’ll never be poor for the rest of your life…

Yesterday was a beautiful day, I woke up with the sound of waves and received a payment of €3.5K in one day…

And I don’t tell you this to brag, it’s just to show you what’s possible…

So if you don’t want to waste another day of your life, start generating this type of income online, by clicking >>HERE

🌊💰Beachlife Money

That’s all for me,

Next week I’ll introduce you to my first guest, we did a podcast together last week and it was a lot of fun, we’ve discussed on how he achieved to lived the Beachlife in his 20’s making passive income while traveling the world…

I’ll see you next week,

Peace out,


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