How Philipp makes €10K/month renting a hut in Thailand…

How Philipp makes €10,000 passive per month renting a hut in Thailand…

2 weeks ago I interviewed Philipp who started to live the Beachlife at 20 years old…

Philipp leaves Germany to settle in Thailand in a tropical paradise. He started a small business there, allowing him to pocket remotely almost 100% passive income.

He then begins to travel to different corners of the world, enjoying the Beachlife…

In this email, you’ll learn how Philipp managed to achieve financial freedom so quickly…


The Call of the Adventure…

“When he was barely 20 years old, Philipp, passionate about bodybuilding, met his first mentor, Ben, an online fitness instructor. Philipp became friends with him, and his mentor offered him a job. At the time, he was earning 150€ per hour.

Despite having a well-paying job, he felt a deep desire to go on an adventure and explore the world.

His coach traveled to Thailand, and he decided to go with him. While there, somewhat by chance, he met Bastian, who would become his second mentor. Bastian was organizing Airbnb training sessions, and he explained to Philipp that it was a real opportunity.

You could start without being a property owner by making an agreement with the actual property owner and offering to pay the rent yourself.

Caught up in the excitement of his new friend, Philipp decided to take the plunge. He scouted for hidden gems on Ko Phayam Island and launched his business.

An Unexpected break…

With his business up and running and several properties under management in paradise-like locations, he returned to Frankfurt to visit his family and continued traveling the world.

Philipp added new properties to his portfolio every month, and for each one, he tripled the price he paid. Money flowed in, and Philipp was living his best life. His entire business was automated, and the only thing he had to do was collect the daily rental income.

Not bad for a start!

While in Berlin, he met his partner and continued his adventure, adding new properties in Switzerland and Germany.

He traveled to California, Asia, and Europe, taking the opportunity to visit his family between trips and living the beach life for almost 10 years.

But in 2020, COVID-19 struck, and all his properties were suddenly immobilized.

It was a disaster…

Philipp decided to take a break…”

The New Opportunity…

Fast forward to 2023, with COVID completely behind us, PHILIPP decides to get back into action. He’s also now an ambassador for Airbnb, which has recognized his expertise. Thanks to his experience, he can guide anyone in setting up a profitable Airbnb business.

While talking, Philipp offered me a partnership that would allow you to earn money…

Every time someone registers a property on Airbnb for the first time, you earn a commission. But you might be wondering how you’ll find property owners who want to get started on Airbnb?

Well, you don’t need to find property owners because, in the end, anyone can sign up, even if you’re a tenant and not an owner.

I myself helped my mother create an account, and she’s a tenant. She’s going to earn $100 just for listing her apartment on Airbnb, and it literally took her 20 minutes!”

And if you’re motivated, you can even earn an additional income every time you bring in a new person—you get an extra $100.

Bring in 10 new people each month, and that’s an extra $1000 a month easy!

If you want to start earning this easy money, send me a message 👉🏽>>HERE

If you want to watch the full podcast episode click 👉🏽>>HERE

🌊💰Beachlife Money

That’s all for today.

Next week, I’ll tell you about the new course I’m starting to work on,

“Alfa Abilities” to learn to master seduction and expand your network.





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