From Beachlife Dreams to Nightmares…

Dreaming of the Beachlife…

When I was younger, I always dreamed of living by the sea – I think I was obsessed with it. My decor was all about the sea, and my sole goal in life was to save up for vacations so I could go to the beach.

I was born in Paris, and I know that for many people, it’s a wonderful city, and it is… if you have the means. But that was far from my case. One day, I realized that Paris wasn’t the right fit for me. My girlfriend had just left me, I was becoming bitter, and I didn’t recognize myself anymore. There had to be another solution…

As depression tried to trap me, I received a message from my friend Thomas, whom I called “Tito.”

As I looked at the text, he had sent me a picture of himself in a beautiful latest-model convertible Mustang, basking in the sun by the sea…

The message read, “So, what do you think about THIS, my friend?”

I couldn’t believe it! He had gone to the other side of the world, to the legendary city of the American Dream – Los Angeles!

I replied, “What are you doing there?”

He told me he had gone for 2 months, on a whim… and he said, “So, are you joining me?” I didn’t need much time to think before I told him I was going to book my ticket!


From the Dream to a Financial Disaster…

Fast forward to my arrival in Los Angeles – it was confirmed, there was no chance I would live anywhere else. This city intrigued me, and I needed to make a life there. Unfortunately, a few months later, fate decided otherwise, and I was forced to return to France.

But there was no way I was going back to the dreary streets of Paris after that. That’s when I decided to settle in the south of France – the landscape sometimes reminds me of California with its beaches and mountains.

However, there was a major problem – the scenery is beautiful, but there are no job opportunities. I speak multiple languages and know about commerce. Looking at what was happening on the Internet, it naturally occurred to me that the only solution was to start doing business online…


No one believed in me…

My friends, my family, no one believed in me, and behind my back, they called me a loser. My friends called me a dreamer, and one day a guy told me he was sorry for me…

But after purchasing a dropshipping course and persisting even when I was at my lowest, I made my first sale in September 2017. It was a purchase from the USA for $10. By the second month, I was at $100, and by the third month, I reached $800.

I was even selling in countries I would have never imagined, like India, Singapore, and even Norway. I was literally selling to all corners of the world.

In short, all of this is to say that you must believe in yourself no matter what, regardless of what others tell you or try to make you believe. It’s truly possible; it’s a mental game. If you let someone make you believe otherwise, they will be right. No one should decide for you. By persisting, luck will eventually smile upon you, but for that, you must take the leap. If I had listened to my friends, family, or anyone who didn’t believe in me, I would have given up, and it would never have worked out.

To ensure your success and avoid struggling for years as I did, to be sure of which online business to pursue, I’ve created the Purpose Money program. It will guide you exactly where to start to guarantee your online success.

Since you’re subscribed to my list, I’m offering a limited-time special deal for a few days to help those who are struggling. The course is FREE with the code 🎁BEACHLIFEMONEY23

Enjoy! 😉

🌊💰Until My Next E-mail…

I’ll see you soon.






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